Welcome to my updated, less jumbled version of my recent Moldavite Journey....
Moldavite has always intrigued me and I purchased my first piece way back in or around 2011 I believe it was. This piece had remained covered in a little box for all these years as, to be perfectly honest, it made me feel physically sick. While I no longer have that particular piece, I have found myself drawn to another piece which also remained covered in a box for the past several weeks until "the time was right".
Ever since I first discovered this stone, all those years ago, it has been one of those things that both excited and scared the shit out of me - I knew I wasn't ready for it but I still had to try every few months or so but it was always clear it wasn't time as it made me feel so dizzy and sick and just not right.

A couple of months ago I found myself drawn to Moldavite once again, this time the pull was much more intense and I knew the time was coming.
I decided to work through some of my major shadow work first before trying to connect with my Moldavite and I am soooo glad I did this. If you are considering working with a piece of your own, I HIGHLY recommend delving into some of the more obvious shadow work you may have FIRST before even holding or even obtaining a piece of this intense "crystal".
And now.... the journey begins.... stay tuned ;)
DAY ONE: Heads up, this is going to sound super crazy!
Given my previous experiences with Moldavite, I had planned to begin this journey on a Saturday night just incase I had another really off day following and wouldn't need to be at the shop.
As mentioned earlier, I have been doing some shadow work over the past few weeks in preparation but also because I knew it was much needed. I am truly glad I laid these foundations so to speak and hopefully the Moldavite will be kinder for me doing so.
Tonight I decided to jump all in, I held my Moldavite to my third eye - yep, I know haha Anyways, I was shown a series of events which felt like memories but don't make any/much sense. These visions included events like looking over a rock wall at soldiers and choosing one, a lion with wings flying among winged horses in a starry sky, a battle scene with what I can only describe as grasshopper aliens (I know, so freaking out there right!?!?), a pile of Labradorite crystals in the corner of a pure white room with their flashes all horizontal moving upwards and finally a Volcano which specifically spurted blood.
Quite a bit to take in and difficult to make much sense out of, so I have popped those visions to the side for now to see what happens next.
I also "heard" the Moldavite telling me to wear it over night and try to wear it for the next 3 days at least - obviously I was hesitant but made sure I had several grounding stones with me and wore it to bed.
Well.... where to begin today!
First off, I don't feel sick or dizzy after wearing this green blob which is an awesome sign! I do need to remember to stay grounded though as I've caught myself "floating off"
I've had past experiences with accidently blowing light bulbs when my energy or emotions aren't kept in check - as I know many others often experience. But today was a bit next level...
I was playing some Assassins Creed on Xbox to chill on my day off, yep, we are gamers over here ;) Anyways, my character was fighting in a gladiator arena and I failed the match a couple of times, next minute not only did I get booted from the game back to the Xbox home screen - my game UNINSTALLED itself which is NOT normal! (It's one I even had the disc in the console for)
So, that was the first odd thing today.
The next super odd thing to happen was one I can't even believe I'm admitting publicly as it is really out there, but I did say when I decided to write about this journey I'd be completely transparent and honest unless details were very personal so here goes...
On night two we had nasty visitors, while we are used to attracting nasty entities through what we do on a spiritual and demonic level, these particular visitors were, let's say - out of this world. Yep, those grasshopper things are real and they are really nasty. I suppose the actual grasshoppers (normal sized garden variety) that have been popping up a lot lately were a sign afterall.
Luckily we now have a galactic energy worker who knows about these things who was able to help us out and get rid of them - but should you ever have a visit from these guys - be sure to get rid of them and protect yourself and home like no tomorrow (you'll know, they aren't shy and will make you feel physically sick)
Ok, I think that's enough weirdness for today! (but... I'm still wearing Moldavite, so wish me luck)
Today was about my self doubt, this is one of the main reasons I wanted to work with Moldavite and I'm glad it's not all aliens and weird electronic issues!
My self doubt is, as with a lot of people, one of THE hardest things to work through and is a consistent over the years and I'm sure will likely continue to be an issue to work through for many more to come.
Today I had a couple of readings booked in and I had one of those self doubt moments just before my first client.
I worked through it and pushed it aside, trusting the messages for my client and grounding myself regularly throughout the session, she seemed happy when we finished up but more self doubt kicked in and I reduced my fee.
My second client was completely different with a whole different set of questions, I refused to allow my self doubt win this time and the session was really fluent.
Todays lesson was definitely about trusting, going with the flow and knowing I am worthy. A hard one with a few other slaps in the face but a very much needed lesson.
And we are back to the crazy! It's only 11.25am as I write this and already the toilet has flooded the bathroom, my phone did weird stuff and I'm seeing more flashes of events and symbols. Luckily I've stayed home for a couple of hours to catch up on some office work but we shall see what the rest of today holds!
I did take the moldavite off for a little bit this morning after the flooding just to be able to "function" wisely lol I am about to get ready for work and will be putting it back on. Here we go!
Quick update - I did a little research on moldavite and negative entities because this grasshopper thing is really bizarre, turns out this sort of experience has happened for a number of people connecting with moldavite! Not always the same entities but there are several reports of people having negative entities come to them early on in this journey, so I am feeling a bit more "normal" about that now.
As today is my birthday, I did put out there to have a semi-normal remainder of the day, which luckily I was granted lol
Not much else to report for today/tonight aside from a few more visions and symbols which I'm not 100% sure are related to wearing Moldavite directly, as my psychic gifts are heightening, so I suppose technically still connected as this is one of the areas Moldavite is said to increase/open and assist with.
Oh and I am finding it much easier to remain grounded tonight! I have even put a few of my grounding stones aside :)
DAY FIVE: Fuckballs. I think the "tower card" portion of the Moldavite Journey is beginning... So much weirdness going on - thankfully not as bizarre as aliens but with people who are close to me, my own random visions and just little things.
Received a phone call today I was not expecting, we are renting one of a few investment properties belonging to our landlord who previously had no intention of selling - well, that has changed. I freaking love this house and I'm devastated to say the least. I know I need to trust this has a bigger purpose as I do genuinely feel it's part of the "releasing process". Still a very shitty bit of news.
At this point, I'm not even sure what day I'm actually up to or if I have skipped one, doubled up somewhere or what - I type as I think, as I do in email readings so things may get a little messed up or blurred lol
DAY FIVE (night): Without giving too much personal detail on what's going on at the moment, I am definitely seeing peoples' true colours and motives including those of people close to me. I've been questioning a few things, decisions and people (over the past several months/past couple of years) but these feelings are increasingly prominent since wearing Moldavite... shall see how this all plays out.
DAY SIX?: Well, last night was a bit interesting. Bit of an odd experience. My "partner" (since writing this, now ex) was rather creepy on a whole new level and made me extremely uncomfortable. I feel this relationship is coming to a close rather quickly which in all honesty has probably been a long time coming but I held on to hope of change - after this experience however certain things can not be undone or forgiven and the creepy incident is just the nail in the coffin so to speak.
On the opposite end of the relationship scale, I have now realised that feelings and magnetic attraction on a soul level to a close friend of mine may possibly be something much more. It would appear that twin souls are actually a thing and I have found mine. The connection here on such an intense spiritual level is something I can't even begin to describe, from sharing pain and dreams to past life memories and shadow work that blends between us - definitely something to explore.
I've well and truly lost my floaties and trying to figure out how to swim in a tsunami with pirate ships attacking from all sides.... yep. If you aren't ready do NOT try connecting to Moldavite, especially not while also working on other parts of your spiritual journey that are on their own intense - unless of course you are like me and jump in head first with the thought of "two birds one stone" - yeah no, it's not that simple :/ YET however, despite all of this, I know I'm on track and definitely making progress in several areas so I will say I do feel this is worth it and empowering to the soul.
Sidenote - still only needing the minimal grounding stones for the most part, but certainly keeping more on hand ;)
DEFINITELY NO IDEA ON WHAT DAY I'M UP TO: Well, I broke up with my now ex and that whole situation in itself proved to me it was long overdue! People... if it doesn't feel right - it's not, just get out.
Break up has been messier than it should've been. Turns out he has multiple entity attachments - not by accident and not unwanted. These explain a bit of the creepiness I've been living with. I feel stupid for not seeing this whole situation that was right in front of me but I'm out now and my kids are safe so that's all that matters. So many light bulb moments since, even from way back before there were issues with entity attachments - I've certainly been blind when it comes to love/relationships and seeing the truth (not anymore! thankyou Moldavite)
A bit of an update of happenings since as now things have settled (3 weeks after putting the Moldavite on and beginning that journey along with the Twin Flame Journey)...
There have been sigils placed on my third eye, which when removed resulted in demonic entities being released in the home of the person who helped me remove them.
There's been an attempted possession on my new partner, by one of those entities and several spiritual/psychic attacks by my ex and one of what I can only describe as his "groupie" (poor girl)
On the twin soul front, the relationship has become more than close friendship and I have never been happier in my life, he truly is "my perfect". We have been working constantly on our shadow selves and past life issues and helping each other with inner spiritual work - this has become much easier since we've started seeing each other because we haven't had to hide feelings while doing so. (although I was extremely slow on that lol)
I took the Moldavite off for a week to try getting things back to a somewhat normal again - I ended up getting a cold, which I know is my physical body releasing and healing itself to match up to my spirit.
Since putting the Moldavite back on, things are still relatively normal and I finally feel free, happy and alive. I've taken back my power and will continue to stand tall and be my true authentic self - just a new, upgraded version ;)
*** *** *** *** ***
I would like to thank those who have played a significant role in helping me through all of this, you are all such amazing friends and truly gifted souls who I am eternally grateful to have in my life.
If you are on your own Moldavite or Twin Flame journey and would like to have a chat, feel free to pop into the shop or shoot me a message via the website, email or facebook - it's a tough one but so extremely rewarding and empowering! Hang in there, you got this!
~ Lyllith Xx
*I've had calls and messages from people concerned that they will have similar occurrances to mine when wearing Moldavite - please know that my experiences are more than likely going to have been so extreme due to the nature of my work and lifestyle. I also jumped in head first without taking it slowly.
So if you are ready for your own journey, but concerned after reading my article - please know you can take things slowly, each journey is unique - yes it will be hard and life as you know it will fall apart before the light shines but I promise you, it is worth every second.
Debbee - April 21, 2021
Wowsers, I’m just sitting here reading your Moldavite journal and my piece of Moldavite which was meant to turn up between Wednesday snd Friday just got delivered to my door! I have goosebumps!
Anonymous - April 20, 2021
Thanks Linda! It’s been so crazy so far, hoping to work more on the self doubt and other aspects I need help shifting I think I’ve had enough of the more odd side effects haha though I know some of these also fit in with things I have always feared or struggled with too.
Linda - April 20, 2021
I love this .. I’m enjoying your journey . Obviously Moldavite is really aligning with you .
What a ride you’re on