Spell Casting Services & Custom Spell Kits
Custom Spell Kits allow you to cast your own spell yourself, infusing it with your intentions and your own power. Let me know what your intention and requirements are and I will write you a personalised spell and put together your kit complete with all you need to cast it.
To order a Spell Kit, please Contact us with your request including what intention and desired outcome and any other information you feel is relevant. [Custom Spell Kits can range between $50 - $200 depending on your budget, the type of spell and materials you'll require in the kit.]
Spell Casting on your behalf is perfect for those who either don't feel comfortable casting their own spells, don't consider themselves a witch but need a little magickal help, simply just don't have the time or space to cast a spell or perhaps have nosey flatmates etc. I have also cast spells on behalf of clients who just preferred this rather than casting for themselves.
Spell Castings work in a similar way to my putting together a kit for you, only instead of sending you the items and spell, I cast the entire spell for you on your behalf. You will receive a photo or video of the spell being cast which you may like to either print out or save to your mobile phone to keep on you for a period of time.
I will need a few things from you, including specific information relative to your spell, which we will discuss during a consultation.
To arrange a consultation for Spell-work to be cast on your behalf, please book here.

Images: Spells being cast on behalf of clients, by Lyllith Dragonheart