Curse Spread, Mini Reading via Email, with Adam
Do you feel as though someone may have placed a curse upon you? This is a question we are frequently asked and while most times there is no actual curse in play some of our clients have indeed been cursed/hexed. This reading is recommended prior to any curse removal work to be sure if there is or isn't a curse in play.
Adam has developed a unique and highly accurate spread which determines not only the answer to the "Am I Cursed?" question, but also delves a little deeper into who is sending negative energy toward you, or who has in fact cursed you if this is the case.
These are short, to the point answers.
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- CURRENT WAIT TIME: 3-5 Business Days
- Your Reading will be emailed to you, please check spam folders ;) (it will most likely come from info @theruneguy .com - without spaces)
*You must be aged 18 or over to book a reading, teenagers aged 15-17 may be considered with parental consent at the discretion of individual readers.
Readings and/or Energy Healings, are not a substitution for professional medical or legal advice and are provided as entertainment purposes only in accordance with current Australian legislations.