This is a quick question/short answer type of reading, we will either answer intuitively or use pendulum, crystal ball or draw 1-3 cards or Runes to answer your question/s.
These are short, to the point answers. Best suited to "yes/no" answers or for a quick confirmation. Please do not order a mini reading for mediumship connections or complex situations.
Receive your reading directly to your inbox by either Lyllith or Adam (whomever is drawn to answer)
- CURRENT WAIT TIME: 3-5 Business Days
- Please leave your Question in the notes/message section during checkout
- If you need more than one question answered, simply add more to the cart ;) ($10 per question)
- Your Reading will be emailed to you, please check spam folders ;)
*You must be aged 18 or over to book a reading, teenagers aged 15-17 may be considered with parental consent at the discretion of individual readers.
Readings and/or Energy Healings, are not a substitution for professional medical or legal advice and are provided as entertainment purposes only in accordance with current Australian legislations.