Kambaba Jasper, also known as Green Stromatolite or Crocodile Jasper
Kambaba Jasper is a stromatolite, a 3 billion year old fossil created by blue-green algae or cyanobacteria - doesn't sound overly appealing though does it?
Kambaba Jasper holds ancient and profoundly wise Earth energy and brings a strong sense of stability.
The perfect stone for those working with Earth energies as it provides a deeply strong connection attuning your personal energies to those of the Planet.
A stone of roots, Kambaba Jasper takes you back and reconnects you to discover your purpose for incarnation. Perfect for meditation, it also helps you connect with spiritual advisors of a different realm.
When used in healing, Kambaba Jasper is generally used to aid the digestive system and promote detoxification. It heals at a cellular level and is wonderful for those recovering from serious illness and provides an overall general well being.