Que Sera, also known as Vulcanite.
Que Sera is a synergistic combination of extremely high, yet deeply Earthy vibrational crystals and minerals of Quartz, Feldspar, Calcite, Kaolinite, Iron, Magnetite, Leucozone and Clinozoisite and it carries these energies even when they are not visible.
Linked to the megaforces which created our multi-dimensional Universe, Que Sera acts like a battery to activate your personal power.
Que Sera is a wonderful stone for those wishing to truly create their own reality, it energizes the Earth Star, Base, Sacral and Stellar Gateway Chakras and creates an amazing power source for creativity and Spiritual Evolution.
Another stone with connections to the Akashic Record, you can use it to find your soul purpose and choose the path for the best possible outcome. Que Sera is a stone for standing in your own power and enables you to let go of that which no longer serves you. A stone for those who struggle to say no to others and should be kept in the pocket for this purpose.
In healing, Que Sera is a wonderful all-round healer, it energizes all of the organs, provides energetic balance in both the subtle and physical bodies.