Selenite Towers - 15cm

Lylliths' Emporium


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Towers - 15cm tall (approx.)

Selenite/Satin Spar (both have the same properties), is a beautiful, calming, tranquil and peaceful stone. Take care not to get it wet as it will dissolve in time from moisture.

Selenite has a beautiful fine vibration bringing clarity of mind. It opens and activates the crown and higher crown chakras connecting us to the Divine and allowing us to consciously receive messages from these pure light energies.

Perfect for meditation, Selenite instills peace and enhances telepathy. Selenite is an ancient stone which is believed to be one of the most powerful stones for the new vibrations of the Earth.

Selenite makes for a wonderful, protective grid in the home refusing entry to negative and outside influences and placed in the center of the home provides a peaceful atmosphere.

In healing, Selenite is most commonly used to realign the spinal column and increase flexibility, it is also considered to help reduce epileptic seizures and also neutralize mercury.

*Whilst technically Satin Spar - Selenite it the name most people know this as so to keep things easier for our customers we have chosen to list under Selenite as our suppliers do.

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