*Custom Voodoo Spell Kit* #1
Please remember to let me know which dolls are required (male or female)
Kit comes with instructions
Other recommended products for use after performing this spell -
If you have found this listing without an email consultation - please do not order before discussing requirements otherwise you will potentially receive a spell kit you did not intend to order and no refund will be issued due to ordering error/change of mind as per our returns statement.
Lyllith Dragonheart / Lylliths’ Emporium and staff are not responsible for mis-use of magick, spells resulting in negative consequences or don’t seem to work as intended. We supply the information provided for you to cast your spells as desired, neither the information or ingredients/products offered are guaranteed and are sold as curios only. Cast wisely and head any warnings or advice carefully, energy works with action and reaction so be prepared to reap what you sow of your own free will. Reversal spells and casting services are offered, fees will vary as individual cases deem necessary.