Feverfew - dried organic, 10g
Botanical name: Tanacetum parthenium, Chrysanthemum parthenium
Folk Names: Featherfew, Febrifuge Plant, Bachelor's button, featherfoil, devil daisy, feather-fully, flirtwort, maid's weed, midsummer daisy, missouri snakeroot, nosebleed, prairie-dock, rainfarn, vetter-voo, wild chammomile, matricaria
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Magickal Uses: Protection
Carried, Feverfew is said to protect from colds and fevers as well as accidents.
Healing Properties: Most commonly used for colds and fevers, headaches including migraine, stress, PMS. Feverfew is known to thin the blood and should be avoided if using blood thinning medicines.
*Our herbs are packaged in little plastic ziplock bags with labels
**Medicinal properties are listed as a guide only, Lylliths' Emporium is not responsible for any misuse of herbs, resins, berries or oils - always seek professional medical advice before using natural therapies.
Information Sourced From: Cunninghams' Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, Scott Cunningham.
Wikipedia, www.anniesremedy.com, www.herbs2000.com, www.witchipedia.com, And our own private collection