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Vervain - 10g

Botanical name: Verbena officinalis

Folk Names: Brittanica, Enchanters' Plant, Herba Sacra, Herb of Enchantment, Herb of Grace, Herb of the Cross, Holy Herb, Juno's Tears, Pigeon's Grass, Van-Van, Vervan, Verbena, Pigeonwood.

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Venus

Element: Earth

Deities: Cerridwen, Mars, Venus, Aradia, Isis, Jupiter, Thor, Juno

Powers: Healing, Love, Protection, Purification, Peace, Money, Youth, Chastity, Sleep

Magickal Uses: In Ancient Rome, Priests used Vervain to cleanse the Altars of Jupiter. Small bunches tied together to make a cleansing broom. 

Druids were crowned with vervain during initiation - though this is not well documented so may be more folklore than fact.

Common in love spells and protection blends, Vervain is said to chase off evil spirits. 

A rather versatile herb in magic whether carried, included in blends, worn or hung.

Healing Properties: Mostly used in balms and salves for skin conditions, it has also been used to treat other medical conditions but as with many herbs care should be taken particularly if you have low iron or are taking blood thinners. 

***Not to be used as medical advice, please speak with a licensed medical professional for treatments. 

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