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This is a special blend of natural salts and organic herbs designed to be used to cleanse crystals and other spiritual tools. Saige created this blend a few years ago and we have all been using it ever since!
Please ensure your crystals and other items to be cleansed are suitable to be placed on salt without causing them damage before using this blend (or salt in general).
This blend can also be added to bath water to help remove negative energy, ease negative emotions and thoughts and help prepare the body prior to spell casting or rituals.
- Packaged in cute glass star shaped jars with cork stoppers
- Average, approx. 125g
- Refills available (in-store only)
Contains: Natural Salts (Sea Salt, Rock Salt, Himalayan Pink Salt), Organic dried herbs (Lavender, Rosemary, Rose Petals, Elder Berries, Juniper berries).
Can be charmed on request Xx