Beth, root - Trillium, 10g - loosly cut
Botanical name: Trillium spp. erectum
Folk Names: Beth, Beth Root, Indian Root, True Love
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Powers: Money, Luck, Love
Magickal Uses: Carrying Beth root attracts money and good luck to the wearer, it can also be rubbed onto the body to attract love.
Healing Properties: Commonly used for treating menopause - though this plant is now considered somewhat endangered so we respect its' conservation and only supply a limited quantity of this root.
*Our herbs are packaged in little plastic ziplock bags with labels
**Medicinal properties are listed as a guide only, Lylliths' Emporium is not responsible for any misuse of herbs, resins, berries or oils - always seek professional medical advice before using natural therapies.
Information Sourced From: Cunninghams' Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, Scott Cunningham.
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