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Blue Dove Añil Modamo


Añil / Indigo Squares / Blue Squares - Most commonly used for washing Vodou Whites, adding to floor washes and also used for scrying. 

Our Blue Añil Squares are available individually or when available in packets of 6 squares. 

Uses include:

  • Add to floor wash with Florida Water & Holy Water for a deep Spiritual Cleanse and to protect the home.
  • To invite positive energy and repel negative energy, dissolve or crush a blueing square in a bowl of water and place it on your altar or underneath your bed.
  • To purify your home and protect against negative influences, dissolve or crush a blueing square in water and sprinkle or spray it in the corners of your living space (Spot check first as it may stain or whiten fabric).
  • Bluing squares are also often added to Mojo Bags for attracting good luck, gaining power over a desired object or person, and providing protection.
  • Use in the laundry particularly for Vodou Whites.

Made in India


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