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Chrysocolla tumbled stones


Stone of Tranquility.

Chrysocolla is a beautiful stone for meditation and communication. The perfect stone for the home as it draws off negative energies of all kinds, often placed in the kitchen or family room in homes of families. (be sure to cleanse it regularly)

These stones help accept change, provide inner strength and help heal and stabilize relationships in a home.

Chrysocolla is a calming, cleansing and reenergizing stone, working on all of the chakras, alligning them with the divine spirits.

A stone for those with destructive emotional programming and emotions such as guilt and anger, as it reverses such feelings allowing us to reprogram in a positive light. Chrysocolla heals heartache and enables us to love again, improves communication as well as teaching us when to keep quiet.

Confidence and sensitivity, personal power, creativity, motivation and drive, truth and honesty.

Chrysocolla is often used in healing for treating and reducing arthritis, bone disease, muscle spasm. It detoxifies the liver, kidneys and intestines, cleanses the blood, lungs, regulates insulin, strengthens the muscles, cools and soothes throat infections, lowers blood pressure, soothes burns, strengthens the thyroid, balances the metabolism and is helpful for women in treating PMS and menstrual cramps.

A perfect all-rounder for anyone.

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