Jasmine, flowers - 10g
Botanical name: Jasminum grandiflorum, J. officinale, J. odoratissimum, J. Grandiflorum flower: G
- Folk Names: Jessamin, Moonlight on the Grove, Peot's Jessamine, Anbar, Yasmin
- Gender: Feminine
- Planet: Moon
- Element: Water
- Deities: Vishnu
- Powers: Love, Money, Prophetic Dreams
Magickal Uses: Dried Jasmine flowers are often included in sachets as part of love mixtures, they will attract spiritual love rather than physical love. It is said the flowers will attract wealth and money if carried, burned or worn. When used in incense, jasmine causes prophetic dreaming (burn in the bedroom) the flowers can also be smelled to help sleep.
Healing Properties: Jasmine is widely used in herbals teas, lotions and creams for healing properties such as sunburn and rashes, headaches, irritability, heat exhaustion and sun stroke, pain, anxiety, depression, uterine and sexual problems. To make a tea, blend some jasmine flowers with your choice of tea leaves (also available on our site)
*Our herbs are packaged in little plastic ziplock bags with labels
**Medicinal properties are listed as a guide only, Lylliths' Emporium is not responsible for any misuse of herbs, resins, berries or oils - always seek professional medical advice before using natural therapies.
Information Sourced From: Cunninghams' Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, Scott Cunningham.
Wikipedia, www.anniesremedy.com, www.herbs2000.com, www.witchipedia.com, And our own private collection of grimoires and herbal lore