Lemon Balm - 10g
Botanical name: Melissa officinalis
Folk Names: Bee balm, lemon balsam, melissa, sweet balm, sweet melissa, tourengane, oghoul
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Deities: Diana, Venus, Jupiter, Moon Goddess, Artemis,
Powers: love, success, healing
Magickal Uses: Used in love spells and sachets, also made into a love potion (as a wine with infused herbs). Healing sachets and herbal baths, it is also said to attract success and bee keepers often rub the herb on hives to keep the bees home and attract new bees.
Healing Properties: Anxiety, stress, eating disorders (increases appetite), indigestion, insomnia.
*Our herbs are packaged in little plastic ziplock bags with labels
**Medicinal properties are listed as a guide only, Lylliths' Emporium is not responsible for any misuse of herbs, resins, berries or oils - always seek professional medical advice before using natural therapies.
Information Sourced From: Cunninghams' Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, Scott Cunningham.
Wikipedia, www.anniesremedy.com, www.herbs2000.com, www.witchipedia.com, And our own private collection of grimoires and herbal lore