Updated & Revised Edition
Whether or not you practice witchcraft, you could be the target of a curse or spell without even realizing it. But now, with Protection & Reversal Magick, you can defend against, prevent, and reverse any type of magical attack. Jason Miller, a renowned magick practitioner, reveals the secrets of early-warning systems, making magical decoys, summoning guardian spirits, and much more. This complete how-to guide is a valuable resource for witches, wiccans, ceremonial magicians, root doctors, and anyone else who uses magick. Learn to recognize symptoms of an attack and protect yourself and loved ones against the strongest curses.
Psychic magickal and spiritual attacks happen more often than even most witches and magicians realise. The circumstances of attack vary but include: * crossed conditions brought on by visiting disturbed or haunted places * aggression from spirits in retribution for human actions like pollution * experimental magick gone wrong * accidental attacks by psychics and intentional curses by witches and magicians. All people, witches or not are susceptible to these attacks.
The difference: witches and magicians can do something about it. Now you can too. PROTECTION & REVERSAL MAGICK is a complete how-to manual on preventing defending and reversing magickal attacks of any kind.
You will learn to: * Recognise the signs and the source of an attack * Set up early warning systems * Appease angry spirits through offerings * Perform daily banishings and make amulets that will prevent most attacks * Make magickal decoys to absorb attacks against you * Summon guardian spirits or gods for help *
Reverse curses and other attacks back upon their sender * Bind confuse or expel a persistent enemy that will not leave you be These techniques aren't just for wiccans either but for ceremonial magicians root doctors witches and anyone else that puts Magick to a practical use.
Like the Cunning men and women of old with PROTECTION & REVERSAL MAGICK you will be able to defend against even the strongest attacks either for yourself or for others.
I was recommended this book and it is amazing really good read, suoer informational.