Ruby in Feldspar takes the properties of Ruby and is pushed, or sped up from the Feldspar component.
Ruby is a high energy stone which promotes motivation, energy and drive. It can at times be a little too much for those who are sensitive as it pushes us to move forward at a faster pace while still ensuring all is done accurately bringing a sense of panic to such people.
Ruby stimulates the heart chakra, provides passion for life in a positive and non destructive way and is a powerful shield against psychic attack. Long believed to be a stone to protect from vampires and still used to guard against psychic vampirism.
A stone for leadership, Ruby sharpens awareness in the mind and is excellent for concentration. It does however bring up anger to be dealt with so take care using Ruby if you are hot-tempered.
In healing, Ruby detoxifies the blood and the body as a whole, it is used to treat fevers, infection, stimulates the kidneys and reproductive systems and is beneficial for the heart and circulatory system.