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stromatolite, crystals, gemstones, tumble stones, protection -  Lylliths Emporium, wicca pagan witchcraft spiritual supplies Australia

Stromatolite - Tumbled Stones


Stromatolite has formed from fossilized algae, one of the earliest life forms on Earth.

These stones carry eternal knowledge and help connect to the Akashic Record of your previous lives as well as helping to look to the future. 

A stone of letting go, Stromatolite helps you walk away while still holding your beliefs and point of view. It is extremely useful in past life workings and regressions as well as assisting you in finding you life purpose and lessons in this lifetime.

In meditation, Stromatolite teaches about the past history of the Earth and evolution.

In healing, Stromatolite is wonderful for removing emotional and spiritual blockages, thought patterns, enhancing brain function, thymus and throat conditions, hands and feet, bones and teeth, supporting kidney and bladder functions. It is also believed to assist with Parkinsons and brain stem disease.

Recommended as an elixir to be dispersed around the aura, back of the head and on the feet.

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