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2020 ~ Astrological Energies

2020 ~ Astrological Energies

2020 is a year of building, personal responsibility, working together and structure. 

There are some pretty exciting transits this year, with a lot of focus on Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto...

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Using Amulets for Protection

Using Amulets for Protection

One of my favourite forms of protection is the use of Amulets, which I generally bless or charge for protection.

An amulet can be anything that is important to you, or holds meaning, is symbolic or relevant to your intention. It can be something as simple as a pebble found, or as a special as your Great-Grandmothers' jewellery........

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What to Do When You Have an Unwelcome Spirit in Your Home

What to Do When You Have an Unwelcome Spirit in Your Home

We are always asked what to do when people have an unwanted guest in Spirit form in their home, so I thought I'd write a little article on some of the easiest steps you can take to get the Spirits to leave you alone....

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Candle Colours for Magick

Candle Colours for Magick

Here's a little colour chart for those who aren't sure which colour candles to use for specific spells and rituals...

(Downloadable / Printable Chart)

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Mabon ~ Autumn Equinox

Mabon ~ Autumn Equinox

The Autumn Equinox, or Mabon (pronounced May-bon, May-bun, Mah-bon or Mah-bawn). 

This is the time of year when day and night are equal and we celebrate the coming dark of Winter, give thanks to the sunlight as it prepares to descend and prepare or store out harvest from the crops of the year.

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Crystal Charts

Crystal Charts

We've created some Crystal Charts to help you when choosing which stones to work with, or to buy. 

To download a chart, right click on the image and select "open image in new window" it should appear larger and then right click on it again to save as to your computer or phone. 

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Imbolc ~ Southern Hemisphere

Imbolc ~ Southern Hemisphere

Imbolc is the cross-quarter day between the Winter Solstice, Yule, and the Spring Equinox, Ostara. In the Southern Hemisphere many celebrate Imbolc on the 1st or 2nd of August as these dates mark the end of Winter and the start of Spring. 

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A Few Easy Spells to Reduce Negativity

A Few Easy Spells to Reduce Negativity

One of the most common requests I receive is from people asking about spells to be rid of negativity coming from another person. There are several things you can do to help block negativity from other people, but there are also a couple of quick and easy and super effective spells you can also do to help. 

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Shielding ~ Psychic Protection

Shielding ~ Psychic Protection

Shielding is an important spiritual practice and can be done to protect your energy field from spirits, negative energies and even other people - I don't mean from physical harm from other people but rather from those people who absorb others' energies and leave you feeling down, tired and drained. These people are known as Energy Vampires, and most people know of at least one in their lives.

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What is a Witch? ~ An educational rant ;)

What is a Witch? ~ An educational rant ;)

I know this article may stir the cauldron and cause some arguments, but I feel the need to write it. Please respect my opinions and beliefs as well as those of anyone who decides to provide a comment. Of course nasty, ignorant and unnecessary or abusive comments will not be tolerated and will result in being deleted or I may just decide to turn you into a toad ;)

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